I'm a Mormon.

10 Reasons Casin is awesome

My baby is 3 months old today so I thought I would put some pictures of him up and write down why I love Casin....

10. His toes and feet. I love his feet they are so cute, he has a little birthmark that is on his foot that is so cute I can't stand it, I just love little imperfections like that! I am also thankful that he has all 10 toes, no more and no less!

9. I can't get enough of that hair! He has so much and it is going to be quite curly one day I think. I love when he sleeps and his hair gets messy, its the best!

8. He is such a good a sleeper! I am not a morning person in any kind of way so the fact that he sleeps so well at night is the best thing a new mom could hope for!

7. I love seeing him hang out with his daddy! It is one of my favorite things seeing my husband love our baby!

6. When he learns, he gets this little face when he is playing and I call it his learning face, I just love watching him explore the world around him.

5. I love how stinkin' cute he is. Anywhere I go people adore him and oodle over him, this proud mommy just loves it!
4. The happiness and spirit he brings into our home. He is so sweet and so precious it always reminds me of how I need to better myself and my relationships with my family, husband, him, and my heavenly father!
3. How happy of a baby he is. He has his fussy moments, but for the most part he is just such a happy and content little man and I love it!
2. I love when I look at him and say hi, how excited he gets and smiles back at me, its great that he knows I am his mommy and that he loves me too!

1. And the number one thing I love about my new baby is how much he relies on me to take care of him. I love that he needs me and I love to help him out with whatever is wrong and make it all better!