I'm a Mormon.

4 months

Today Casin is 4 months old. He had a Dr. checkup today and he is healthy, which is always good to hear! He has always had a problem with opening up one of his eyes and the Dr. is keeping a watch on it, but no worries as of yet about it. He weighed a whopping 12 pounds 8 ounces (9th percentile in weight) and was 23 inches long (2nd percentile). He is a tiny little guy, sorry Casin that you are short, it is kinda my fault. Developmentally Casin is doing fantastic as well, he is laughing and smiling and alert like he should be. I couldn't be happier that he is doing so well!!

Casins First Easter

This was Casins first Easter and we had so much fun with him. He got mostly swimming stuff. Grandma and Grandpa got him a swimming suit, a hat, and an alien that he loves (its easy to grab and put in his mouth). Mom and Dad got him a sun hat for the pool and a floatie to sit in while hes chil-laxin at the pool. Later that day we went to my Aunt Tanya's house and hung out with all of my moms side of the family, had lunch, and played a Dance game on the wii we had a lot of fun and Casin loved getting all the attention from everyone!!


He's not quite laughing yet, but this is his first little giggle I was super excited about it! He is so cute!

Stepping Stone

I have been working with Casin on grabbing. It started with me making him hold stuff and then he started grabbing at stuff on his own. He has this little floor toy that he usually just stares at, but he has started grabbing and holding it on his very own. So cute!!