I'm a Mormon.

Blarney and Shillelagh

Devin and I took my cousin Matt, and my little brother Daniel down by Hanksville to 2 canyons, Blarney and Shillelagh (Sept 5th and 6th). It was Matt's first time, he did a really good job, lucky for him he is very tall and was a really good canyoneer.

Matt and Daniel at the start of Blarney.

Matt's very first rappel.

Here I am at the bottom of the rappel into Blarney.

Here we are in Shillelagh
The three boys showing off their muscles.
I have always wanted to hang upside down the rope and I finally dared to.

Gas to get to canyons = $100, Food for the Hike = $50, Matt's face at the end of a long day hiking = priceless!!!

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